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Our Team


Ann Marie Wood-Seems

Ann Marie began her career in private industry earning a Chartered Professional Accounting designation. She is currently Vice President, Corporate Services and Agreements at Regional Development Corporation, and has held leadership roles for over 15 years. She is an extremely motivated individual with a natural instinct when working with clients looking for increased clarity to more effectively realize any professional goal. She is a strong and experienced professional herself, skilled in Performance Improvement, Managerial Finance, Change Management, and Analytics. Coaching individuals in a Career and Leadership capacity is a particular passion for Ann Marie and she has a multitude of effective coaching strategies that she offers each and every one of her clients.

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Donna Fry

Donna had over 20 years of experience as an educator in various provinces ~ Alberta, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. She spent many years highly engaged in Student Council ~ Teacher Advisor, President of the NB Student Leadership Association, and a Board Member of the Canadian Student Leadership Association, so she understands principles and practices of excellence in leadership. Donna has been an invitee to the Wallace McCain Institute's Excellence in Education series of workshops. She is a Psychology Major, former High School Science Teacher, sister, wife, mom, grandma, friend, and nature enthusiast. She has a great deal of experience listening to people ~ young and not so young ~ who are struggling with challenges of decision-making, goal-setting, stress management, issues related to leadership or self-esteem or relations with others. Donna's empathy, openness, and willingness to truly listen are essential assets brought to every coaching session. She is committed to the EurekaTree Vision, to her clients, and to her role as a facilitator of self-reflection. Self awareness is essential to exceptional leadership, healthier relationships, and greater emotional intelligence. Donna offers clients opportunities to pursue Proactive Mental Wellness. Her intuition, experience, and coaching skills facilitate clients' Eureka Moments!  


Stephanie Lawson

Stephanie has over 32 years of experience as an educator, with a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and several years as a school Department Head. She has been on many committees, including a presenter at the International Women’s Conference at Ryerson University, provincial curriculum committees, and as a participant and advocate for health at the World Health Organization in Finland. Stephanie, an avid runner, dog lover, and keen traveller, is someone who puts people at ease immediately. She is an active listener and has an innate ability to see things in ways that others may not have considered. Stephanie has a contagious energy and is sought out for consultation because she tends to have an immediate rapport with those she meets. Her empathy and strong desire to help, her commitment to the coaching experience, and her appreciation for the curve balls life can throw, all result in a belief

that life changes, personal stresses, work issues, etc. are mere opportunities for empowering moments that unearth

valuable Eureka moments!

Do yourself a big favour and allow Ann Marie Wood-Seems to coach you. Her approach is deeply supportive, professional, and skillful. I strongly recommend her focus and expertise.

- Brenda

Donna has been my coach for over a decade. She brought me out of my shell and helped me discover how to really live my life. She's the best!

~ Sean

Donna didn't have the answers...she had the right questions to help me find my own answers ~ Awesome Experience!!!

~ Kathy


It was a pleasure to meet you and work with you and learn more about your Life Coach services. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I was confused on what to do and you helped me clearly define my goal, set reasonable expectations, and determine my own path forward. Thanks Coach!

~ Susan

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